Saturday, February 25, 2006

Determination - Knowledge Is Power

- - Learn - -
There are some elections that determine what any 'normal' human would call an important outcome. Whatever the election may be, it is all the same to Giant Crab. Each vote we cast for him increases his size and as a result increases our chances for Giant Crab to lead us to a new world order. I could never stress the importance of voting enough. Apathy is not acceptable in the eyes of Giant Crab. Those who have lost their way on election day will not be spared. I urge my many readers to do more than their part to increase the mass of Giant Crab. You can help his campaign the same way you would any common politician, educate the people. The key word here is educate. So I will do my part now. For those who have been under a rock for the past 12 decades, Giant Crab is the world's first crustacean politician. Endowed with magic powers, whenever running in a ballot Giant Crab increases in size with each vote received. As decreed in his masterful slogan, "A VOTE FOR GIANT CRAB IS A VOTE FOR A BIGGER CRAB". Once Giant Crab has grown large enough to win, he will promptly destroy whichever city he is in. There is no need to fear Giant Crab, if you are on his side. For those few ignorant that actually oppose Giant Crab, there is nowhere to hide, and nothing you can do to stop Giant Crab. For those recently educated, please now do your part. When The Year of Proliferation comes, be on the right side. Tell your friends, and remember...


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